Ask yourselves, how often do you receive a greeting card or even a friendly handwritten note? Probably not that often, right? Your birthday doesn’t count, by the way. Just kidding, it does but once a year for a birthday or holiday card isn’t that often, is it? Now, think about that last handwritten message you received and just how much it meant to you. I’m sure it meant something.
The time we take to write out our personal thoughts, feelings, and appreciation for one another is written proof to the person receiving the message that the writer truly cares. It doesn’t take much but it does make an impact. And, a big one at that.
Why do we send cards?

The tradition of sending cards on birthdays and special occasions dates right back to the 15th century in China, where they would send notes for Chinese New Year. Similarly, in Ancient Egypt in the 15th century, they would send notes for occasions on papyrus scrolls.
The general production of greeting cards really took off in the 1850s with companies beginning to produce greeting cards to be sold in shops. Since then, greeting cards have been an important part of all occasions.
Importance of card sending
During the early 2010s, people believed that ecards and social media messaging would take over the greeting card industry, replacing cards for non-personal electronic images. This has since faded and greeting cards were found to be as important as before.
As you all know, we are currently going through a tough time with the current pandemic that has struck the world. This has sparked our inner kindness, with hundreds of people helping others out during this time of need. Due to all of us being stuck in lock down, it is highly important to keep in contact with friends and help them celebrate any occasions they have during this tough time. It can also be good to cheer them up with a random card to let them know you are thinking about them.
Cards can be the best thing for this, sending a card expresses all the human emotions, joy, thanks, sympathy, humor, love and admiration. It allows us to connect on an emotional level with the people who have touched our lives. Make sure you stay in touch with all friends and family, check up on them and send them something special to put a smile back on their face.
Sista Girl Greeting Cards are blank on the inside for you to jot down your feelings and love for the person receiving your card. We have some ideas to help you give words to your feelings!
Thank You Goes a Long Way
Thank yous are a lot more powerful than you think. Especially when they’re received in a hand written format. There are so many ways to express our gratitude through the use of your own words.
“I appreciate what you did.”
“Thank you for thinking of me.”
“Thank you for your time today.”
“I value and respect your opinion.”
“I am so thankful for what you did.”
“I wanted to take the time to thank you.”
“I really appreciate your help. Thank you.”
“Your kind words warmed my heart.”
And, the list goes on! But no matter how you chose to say your thanks, writing out your words of gratefulness hits a note that rings truer than any other. When someone takes the time to not only express their gratitude but also write out their words of thanks, the receiver of these words truly feels appreciated.
Thinking of You
It’s easy to find ourselves lost in our busy workload, crazy schedules, important responsibilities, and the scramble of everyday life. It’s even easier to feel that we ourselves are lost in it all. But when someone takes the time to write you that you’ve been in their thoughts well,… it impacts all of us on a far greater level than we could ever measure. Reading a message from a dear friend, a colleague, or even an acquiescence that says we’re being considered by them provides a sense of reassurance in us that we’re truly not alone. That someone out there, somewhere, cares for us. At least enough to take the time to convey their thoughts on paper and by their own hand.
Sending someone a greeting card with a simple message like “thinking of you” makes an impression that stays with a person for longer than you might think. Sometimes it even stays with that person for their entire life.
Here are a few ways to let someone in your life know they’re in your thoughts.
“I’ve been thinking about you.”
“You’ve been on my mind a lot lately.”
“Thinking of you always makes my day.”
“Just wanted to send some happy thoughts your way today.”
“I just came across an old photo of us, and it got me thinking about how much fun we always have together…”
Get Well & Greatest Sympathies
Two other common occurrences in life are illness and the passing of loved ones. We’ve all been sick or injured at some point in our lives. We all have had someone close to us or have known someone within our circle of family, friends and co-workers to have passed away. No one likes to discuss these hard and hurtful moments but they are apart of life. Whether we like it or not, we’ll all face such troubling times.
Sending someone encouraging words in your own handwriting or expressing your sympathy for their loss through a greeting card is as kind a gesture as it is a powerful one. Similar to the effect a “thinking of you”, get well and sympathy greeting cards provide the recipient words of encouragement and assurance that they have support. Even in their darkest hour.
Here are a few ways to express your heartfelt sympathies to someone who could use your support.
“Get well soon.”
“Wishing you a speedy recovery.”
“Please accept our heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your loved one.”
“Words can’t express how saddened we are to hear of your loss.”
There are so many reasons to celebrate life! Whether it be an engagement, a new baby, a graduation, or just about any other huge life achievement, sending the accomplished party a commendation is always appropriate. And, much appreciated.
Celebrating each other and our achievements brings people together. Congratulating others brings joy to both the receiver and sender. The receiver is thrilled about being recognized for their accomplishment(s). For the sender, seeing others achieve their goals and wishes reaffirms the idea that we too can have such happiness and success in our lives. And so, it feels as good to give congratulations as it does to get them.
Here are a few ways to let someone you know that their accomplishments haven’t gone unnoticed.
“Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
“Heartfelt congratulations to you.”
“Warmest congratulations on your achievement.”
“Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”
“So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.”
“Well done!”
“You’re amazing!”
Reviving A Lost Art Form
Handwritten notes, thank you and greeting cards are not a new practice. But like the Latin language, it’s become a dead language in today’s society. Thankfully, also like Latin, it’s a root form of communication. One that we can all understand and relate to. At least to a certain degree. The gesture of giving greeting cards has been around for a long time. It’s just been forgotten.
It’s important to remember to take the time to express your words in writing. Although kind words said are always appreciated, written words of personal intent often leave a greater impact on others than those same words spoken.
Thinking of making your own cards?
Anyone can make greeting cards, trust me!
For beginners, I have 2 beginner friendly items that will be very useful in making cards at home!
These are amazing for printing at home. You can use these for any kind of greeting cards. The paper quality is amazing and printed colors do not bleed at all.
Another thing that will be very useful for beginners is a set of 3 scissors. These are specifically designed for cardstock and have an ergonomically designed
grip so hands don't hurt at all!